Doggie Styles believes in spay/neuter, responsible breeding, and rescue. We are proud to support local shelters and rescues. Ask how you can get involved! We believe that humans have a responsibility to care for the animals in our custody to best of our ability. We owe it to the animals in our lives who give us so much, who trust us and love us.
Collectively our staff has fostered or adopted more than 50 dogs and cats from rescue organizations. We donate grooming services, collect rescue supplies, and host fundraising events. We have fostered and adopted from: Poodle Rescue of Vermont, All Breed Rescue Vermont, Vermont Dog Rescue, Humane Society of Chittenden County, Franklin County Humane Society, Potter's Angels, and Vermont Dog and Rabbit Rescue, to name a few.
It is an honor and a privilege to work with these amazing organizations. We owe a great debt to the dedicated people keeping these rescues going strong. They are tireless in their efforts and an inspiration to us.
An Easy Way to Get Involved!
Ongoing Rescue Supply Drive
Please help with our ongoing rescue supply drive! At Doggie Styles we collect donated items for our local shelters. It makes a big difference to our friends in need. The items below are always needed. Any extra bedding or cleaning supplies you have would be most welcome and very appreciated.
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Trash Bags (13 & 30 gallon)
Mop Heads
Dog Beds & Blankets (fleece, poly, wool, & acrylic blends)
Peanut Butter
Chew Toys
Dish & Laundry Soap
Please bring any of these items to Doggie Styles Mon-Sat 8am-5pm and we will gladly deliver them to the shelters in need. Every little bit helps!
Success Stories
In 2015 we had the opportunity to lend a hand after a large rescue operation took place in Eden, VT on February 25th. 86 dogs 7 cats, and a duck were taken from a cruelty situation. More than 100 volunteers from rescue organizations (local and nationwide) contributed to the care and relocation of these sweet dogs. The dogs and cats are all at shelters around Vermont and New Hampshire and many are in new homes by now thanks to everyone's efforts.
There were over 65 animals surrendered into the care of the Central Vermont Humane Society
-We had the opportunity to lend a helping hand.
That same day in February, Random Rescue of Williamstown, VT was called to help 4 dogs from a cruelty situation in Hardwick. Police and animal welfare representatives were called out for horses, goats, and sheep. The 4 dogs were kept in a small outdoor kennel, matted and standing in their own feces. Beautiful Chow/Akita mixes; they are nice, and they are forgiving. We offered a hand to clean them up.
Their vet fees are nothing compared to those of the Eden dogs, but for a small rescue it is enormous. It is not a rare occurrence; shelters get dogs like this every day. Funds are always short and we all do our best.